In case plans by AMD and a slew of other tech vendors planning to showcase 3D Blu-ray compatible products at CES wasn't a tip-off, the updated specifications are done. The key details? First, that the Blu-ray Disc Association has chosen the Multiview Video Coding (MVC) codec to store 3D, so that even though it is now providing a full 1080p frame for each eye, it will only require about 50% more storage space compared to the 2D version, and all discs will be fully backwards compatible, in 2D, on existing players. Better than backwards compatibility, the PlayStation 3 will be forwards compatible with the new discs -- a new HDTV setup (the spec promises to work with plasmas, LCDs or projectors equally well) with IR emitters and glasses will still be necessary. According to the PR (after the break) we can expect Blu-ray 3D-stickered products in 2010, our only advice is to keep those responsible for the Cowboys Stadium abomination far, far away from it. |
zondag 27 december 2009
Blu-ray 3D specifications finalized, your PS3 is ready
maandag 14 december 2009
Nice Ice Cooler - Wijn Koeler
Jamie Oliver Flavour shaker (ACTIE)
Lounge Blanket Adult Deken met mouwen - Creme
zondag 13 december 2009
Article link: What Everyone Should Know About Cameras
A following website, you can read an interesting article about digital camera's
If you are searching for camera reviews, please check: dpreview
Utilities: Add subtitles to movies (compatible with PS3)
With AVIAddXSubs, you can easily put the .srt (subtitles) in the movie. You can even put different languages in one movie and select the correct language when playing the movie on your playstation.
Great FREE tool!
AVIAddXSubs is a simple to use, free program to |
woensdag 9 december 2009
IEEE will push next 802.11 to 1Gbps speeds, two-letter designations in 2012
WiFi, you've come a long way, baby. Since those groovy days of plain 'ol 802.11, to your first single-letter designation, all the way up to your latest 802.11n ratification you've gotten faster, broader, and almost everywhere. Best of all, you've still got room to grow. If all goes well and Cusack's documentary doesn't prove accurate in 2012 you'll grow to 802.11ac, delivering a blistering 1Gbps and beyond. That's more wireless bandwidth than we'd know what to do with right now, but we'll find a way to use it. We always do. Together. |
zondag 22 november 2009
Configureer jouw router
Enkele dagen geleden is mijn draadloze router gecrashed wat erin resulteerde dat ik al mijn instellingen kwijt was.
Om dit in het vervolg niet meer voor te hebben of het herinstellen te vergemakkelijken, hierbij enkele bemerkingen:
Als je de instellingen dan toch opnieuw moet maken. Zorg dan voor volgende zaken:
- Een goede beveiliging (Liefst WPA2)
- Voeg ook een mac filtering toe als extra beveiliging
- Zet eventueel je SSID broadcast uit
- Stel je kanaal correct in. Gebruik hiervoor inSSIDer en zorg ervoor dat je een ander kanaal gebruikt dat nog niet in gebruik is in jouw buurt. (Dit voorkomt interferentie en prestatie verlies)
- Stel jouw virtual servers correct in. Hierdoor zal jouw download snelheid van P2P programma's de hoogte in schieten. Zo ging ik van 5kB/s naar 300kB/s
- Maak een backup van al jouw instellingen
En doe uiteindelijk nog even een snelheidstest om te kijken of het allemaal naar behoren werkt:
maandag 26 oktober 2009
Games: EyePet
Last friday I went to the local gaming store (Game Mania). I was looking for the PS3 Camera that was prices around 39€ in that store.
When I looked on the Play.Com website, I saw that the game "Eyepet" just came out and included the PS3 camera for 38.99€.
So for the price I would pay for the camera in my local gaming store, I now get the game for "free".
Price info on
Camera: 32.49
Eyepet (without cam) 23.49
Eyepet including cam 38.99
Includes PlayStation Eye Camera and Magic Card Say hello to the newest member of your family: the mischievous, magical EyePet! Every EyePet is a loveable bundle of furry fun brought to life by PS3. Thanks to the PlayStation Eye Camera and the 'Magic Card', you can feed your EyePet, stroke him, style him with new looks from the Pet Centre and even sketch amazing toys that spring to life on-screen for him to play with. Every day will bring fresh ideas and new toys to keep your new friend entertained. |
zondag 4 oktober 2009
Assassin's Creed II (2)
If you ask me, this will become THE game of this year! (and maybe next too!!!)
Utilities: typingweb learn to type for free
The first lessons looked promising.
zaterdag 26 september 2009
PS3 Motion Controller confirmed for next spring, finally ready for its close-ups
Living on water, ‘WHY’ Not!