Sometimes, you can find "bargains" if you search a bit.
Last friday I went to the local gaming store (Game Mania). I was looking for the PS3 Camera that was prices around 39€ in that store.
When I looked on the Play.Com website, I saw that the game "Eyepet" just came out and included the PS3 camera for 38.99€.
So for the price I would pay for the camera in my local gaming store, I now get the game for "free".
Price info on
Camera: 32.49
Eyepet (without cam) 23.49
Eyepet including cam 38.99
Last friday I went to the local gaming store (Game Mania). I was looking for the PS3 Camera that was prices around 39€ in that store.
When I looked on the Play.Com website, I saw that the game "Eyepet" just came out and included the PS3 camera for 38.99€.
So for the price I would pay for the camera in my local gaming store, I now get the game for "free".
Price info on
Camera: 32.49
Eyepet (without cam) 23.49
Eyepet including cam 38.99
Includes PlayStation Eye Camera and Magic Card Say hello to the newest member of your family: the mischievous, magical EyePet! Every EyePet is a loveable bundle of furry fun brought to life by PS3. Thanks to the PlayStation Eye Camera and the 'Magic Card', you can feed your EyePet, stroke him, style him with new looks from the Pet Centre and even sketch amazing toys that spring to life on-screen for him to play with. Every day will bring fresh ideas and new toys to keep your new friend entertained. |