When surfing the net, often you find info that you want to share with other. This might be an article you want to post on your blog, send as an email or...

Now, the solution arrives as an plug in for your internet browser called
Clipmarks. It is supported by Internet Explorer and FireFox (and others).

When you visit a page that you like, you can simply push 1 button, select the text, pictures and video's you want to clip, select the send method (to blog, to mail,...) and you are done.

Here you can find an example and on the right side of this page you can find my clipmarks at the clipcast plugin.
I like it!
here to learn moreWhat is Clipmarks?
Clipmarks lets you clip specific pieces of web pages, then share what you clip with your friends on Facebook, MySpace or anywhere else. Unlike bookmarks that let you share a link to an entire page, our free clip button lets you capture and share the highlights from the page. Clips can also be saved privately, emailed or printed.
What is a ClipCast?
A ClipCast is a portable player for clips. You can put a ClipCast on Facebook, MySpace, your blog or anywhere else you want to share your clips. Everything you clip will automatically be added to your ClipCast. All of the functionality of Clipmarks is built into the ClipCast, including the ability to add comments and see clips by your favorite users.
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