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woensdag 23 juli 2008

Telenet drukt nog eens op de knop, maar dan nu in stilte

Mijn beden zijn aanhoord!

Niet enkel upload snelheid, maar nu ook volume en download snelheid zijn aangepast.
clipped from www.tik.be

Druk op knopTerwijl Telenet enige tijd geleden met grote trom een verhoging van de snelheden aankondigde - en daarbij een storm van protest ontketende - houden ze het deze keer stil.
Bij de soft-launch van de limietverhoging van deze nacht heeft Telenet voor ExpressNet nog iets extra voorzien.  Meer bepaald een downloadsnelheidverhoging van 50%, van 10 naar 15Mbps!
Ook ComforNet deelt in de prijzen.  Daar gaat de snelheid van 4 naar 6 Mbps.

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dinsdag 8 juli 2008

PS3 2.41 firmware out now

clipped from www.engadget.com

Sony's 2.41 firmware update for the PS3 is apparently out and riding the network updates. This according to our readers and those of the official PlayStation Blog. Now deep breath, install, and hope your system doesn't hang like it did for the few 2.40 unfortunates.
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Huge Rubber Snake is No Joke, Generates Power From Waves

Sun, Wind, and now water. Within some decades, almost no more polluting energy shall be needed...
clipped from gizmodo.com
For some reason or other, we've shown you a lot of robotic snakes here on Giz. But this new one is kind of a robot snake in reverse: it's designed to float just beneath the surface of the sea and capture wave energy, which it then turns into electrical power. A science team in the UK has been working on the design, and is now testing small versions in a test tank: ultimately the "real" machines would be 23 feet across and 650 feet long, and be able to generate 1 megawatt.

Basically the rubber snakes are moored at the right height to bend as a wave rolls past, generating a bulge in the sea water inside. This gets pushed down the tube by the wave to a generator built into the tail end.

A full-scale device would be able to generate enough power for 1,000 homes, and the developers at the University of Southampton think it may be more resilient than other wave-generators due to its lower moving part count, and the fact that it's made mostly of materials that resist salt-water corrosion.

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Massive Dubai Fountain Will Be the Largest, Most Technologically Advanced Water Works of its Kind

Dubai is certainly still on my list of places to see...
clipped from gizmodo.com

In Dubai, they're doing things big these days. Big hotels, big palm tree islands, big wallets, and very soon, big $281 million fountains. The biggest one in the world, in fact, and it will be large enough to give the famed fountains at the Bellagio in Las Vegas an inferiority complex.

At 825 feet long, the unnamed fountain will be 25% larger than the Bellagio fountain. Powering the fountain will be pumps capable of shooting columns of water approximately 450 or so feet into the dry Middle Eastern air. A light and sound show produced by a network of 6,600 lights and 50 projectors will illuminate the burgeoning Dubai skyline at night. About 22,000 gallons of water are expected to cycle through the fountain at any given time when it is completed in 2009. Now, if you'll excuse me, nature calls. [Luxury Launches]

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Pioneer Pushes Blu-ray Discs to 16 Layers, 400GB Capacity

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Just last month we were reporting 42GB research DVD technology, but Panasonic's scientists have blown that figure out of the water with a 400GB optical disc. The trick's been done by making a 16-layer deep Blu-ray disc, and a player with sufficiently clever optics that it can pick up the light scattered by all those layers. The player is also compatible with standard Blu-ray, and for now it's limited to playback only, designed to demonstrate the technology. But apparently in the future you'll be able to burn 400GB Blu-ray discs, which is mind boggling. [Impress]
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PlayStation 3 Firmware 2.41 Coming "Midweek"

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Sony's firmware 2.40 for the PS3 was pulled from servers after bricking several systems. Now at least one customer support service is reporting that firmware 2.41 will be released later this week. While Sony has yet to send out an official press release on the topic, it's looking like those who didn't download their in-game XMB fix fast enough will indeed get it soon. As for the bricking problem, it can be solved with solutions anywhere from a simple reboot to yanking the hard drive and formatting it on a PC. Oh, and crying to Sony like a baby probably helps, too. [CVG]
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Back Up Your Windows Mobile Phone For Free With PIM Backup

This program is not only good for backup. Personally, I used it to get all my data from my old QTEK 9100 (WM5) to my new HTC TyTn II device.
Worked perfectly!!!
clipped from gizmodo.com

Backing up your phone may not be as important as backing up your computer, but one day will come when you leave your cell in a cab and you'll be really happy you've got all your info somewhere else for safekeeping. PIM Backup for Windows Mobile keeps a backup of your contacts, call logs, messages, tasks, and calendar appointments for easy restoration on a new phone. It's even useful for when you need to wipe you old phone because of corruption or having to let your wife borrow it for the weekend after she lost hers. [PIM Backup via Eten Blog via Lifehacker]

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vrijdag 4 juli 2008

Unique Structures To Be Build

clipped from thecontaminated.com
1. Aqua, USA
aqua building 2
aqua building 1
2. Chicago Spire, USA
chicago spire
spire chicago
3. CCTV Headquarters, China
cctv headquarters building
cctv headquarters
4. Regatta Hotel, Dubai
dubai regatta hotel
regatta hotel dubai
5. Residence Antilia, India
residence antilia india
6. Russia Tower, Russia
russia tower
moscow tower
7. Penang Global City Centre, Malaysia
penang global city centre malaysia
penang global city centre malaysia building
8. Gazprom Headquarters, Russia
gazprom headquarters russia
gazprom headquarters
9. Burj Dubai, Dubai
burj dubai
burj dubai building
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British Vauxhall Cars Have New Camera That Scans Signs, Displays Current Speed Limit

clipped from gizmodo.com
Although various GPS units already have the ability to display the current speed limit (they're pre-programmed in) of the road you're on, this Vauxhall Motors invention seems even better. There's a camera on-board that takes 30 snaps per second, then recognizing speed limit signs and translating that to a number to display on your dash.

This way you can know exactly what the speed limit is at all times, even when you've just transitioned from a high speed area to a low speed one that cops like to ticket in. In fact, if this system is good enough, it could be a decent excuse to tell the popos that their speed limit signs were too obscured that even a 30FPS camera couldn't make it out. [Kicking Tires via Oh Gizmo]

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donderdag 3 juli 2008


clipped from www.uncrate.com

Perfect your grip with the SensoGlove ($120). This soft leather glove features built-in sensors that constantly read the pressure of your grip, letting you easily learn correct grip pressure. Audio feedback warns you of a overly tight grip anywhere during your swing, so you can pinpoint where you need work. Better grip equals better play equals better scores out on the course.

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Sony pulls 2.40 firmware update after reports of bricked PS3s

Luckily, my update to 2.40 went without any problems.
clipped from www.engadget.com
Sony has pulled the 2.40 firmware update from both its in-console update and website after some users reported that the firmware has bricked their system. SCEA PR director Patrick Seybold told Joystiq that Sony is "looking into it right now and will work with those customers directly to address any issues they may be experiencing." Has it bricked your system? Let us know in the comments below.
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